
Sister Sister Bonus material 1-Meet the Species!

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The world of Sister Sister is full of dragons of all shapes, colors and sizes. Every dragon has control over one natural element and are born with the ability to use their element. Here is the list of the dragon species that are seen throughout the story.

Fire Wings: Dragons of Fire

Fire wings are the most common species and also the most dominant in terms of power. They are militant and have enormous armies of fire-spitting warriors ranging from 100 to 700 individuals. They live in empires and surrounding villages and obey a single mated pair or royal dragons. There are a total of three Fire empires (the North, the South and the Xalon Empire which overlooks the slave mines) each with their own royal dragon pair. The most dominant of these empires is the Xalon Empire ruled by Lord Argren and Lady Jara. These two dragons have a higher rank than the other royal pairs and maintain the overall power in the Fire Wing species. Fire Wings are highly territorial, short-tempered and violent often resolving conflicts with bloodshed and war. They have won every war they have been involved in and rarely take prisoners; however, they have taken in their most recent enemy (The Sky Wings) as slaves to work in their seeing stone mines.
Fire Wings are born with the ability to use their element of fire, but can only make sparks until they mature to about three years of age. They learn to fly around the age of five years. Their average lifespan is 100-120 years. They have several different flame types:  (from coolest to hottest) red, orange, yellow, blue, and white. They are generally bright colored, but there are few that are darker red or black. White, black and Albino Fire Wings are the rarest colors while gold, red and orange, are the most common.

Sky Wings: Dragons of air

Sky Wings are another common species that live in high altitude locations such as the mountains, floating plains, or the tops of heaven trees (trees that grow hundreds of feet tall). They are peaceful and live in small tribes located all around the world. Each clan has a mated pair of Greats (leaders of a clan), but every clan is ruled over by a single mated pair of Royals. The current mated pair is Lord Cloud, a Sky Wing and Lady Flare, a non-royal Fire Wing. The marriage of the two is accepted throughout the Sky wing clans. When the largest tribe of Sky Wings (the Nalan tribe) was captured by invading Fire Wings, Lord Cloud was arrested while Flare was mistaken for a Fire Wing solder and brought into the empire. The pair has a hybrid son named Bo, who is destined to rule the Sky Wings when they escape their captors.
Sky Wings have the element of air and use their massive wings to whip up strong gales of wind that can trip up even the strongest flier. Since babies are born without full use of their wings, they technically are born without command over their element. They learn to fly at just a year old and it’s not long after that when they become strong enough to summon strong winds. Their average lifespan is 150-180 years. They are primarily white with cool colored spikes, eyes, wings and underbelly. Their most common colors are shades of blue and purple, while shades of green and pink are rare.

Water Dragons:

Water Dragons are flightless, elusive dragons that keep to themselves and rarely interact with other dragons. They can breathe on land and under water and live primarily in under water caves or under waterfalls. Sea and ocean dragons live in large groups and have only one mated pair of royals per group. The fresh water dragons cannot survive in salt water and live in small groups each with their own pair of leaders (royal or non-royal).  They eat fish and other water born creatures, but will gladly eat anything that’s unfortunate enough to fall into their water.
They are long and serpent like and are commonly colored the same as their surroundings. They can change their color to blend in as well. They have total control over their element of water and can shoot powerful blasts of water with their mouth. These blasts are so forceful they can stun or kill on impact. These dragons can also stir up whirlpools to suck down invaders or kick up massive waves. They are peaceful, but only if you leave them alone! Their average lifespan is 300 years

Forest Dragons:

Forest Dragon is just a name given to the several species that live in the forests and have command over anything from plant life, insects, birds and other forest creatures. There are several sub species:

Butterfly Dragons- A small species of dragon that live in treetops in forests all over the world and descend down to the forest floor only to graze on flower nectar. Being vegetarians they don’t hunt, but they do maintain small gardens that grow fruits, berries, nuts and flowers. They have control over forest animals, commanding them through telepathy. They are also known to wield magic spells and charms. They live in families and have no real leader. They live in the same forest their entire life, hibernating during the winter and move only if their forest is threatened. They don’t fight unless cornered and have a poisonous bite that causes terrible pain for a short period of time. They have large wings that extend all the way down to the ends of their tail, long horns and a busy mane.  They live for about 200 years.

Elf Dragons-A proud elegant species that live in large forest kingdoms. They are large dragons that are deer like and plants grow on their bodies. They can control plant life and grow pants just by stepping on the ground.  They speak in an ancient language and play with visitors by asking them riddles. They have only one mated pair of royals per kingdom with only three kingdoms known. They are strategic warriors and attack swiftly with swords and arrows. They run fast and are incredibly brave, but they are not the strongest of species. They are the oldest species of dragon and closely resemble the ancient species (the type of dragon Rare and Fury are). They can live for 500 years.
Pseudo dragons – A shape-shifting dragon that can read thoughts and transform into an object of desire. They are small dragons but live in massive colonies reaching over a thousand individuals.  They hunt in groups and each hunter transforms into a different object to create a whole illusion that confuses their prey and traps them. They live in underground nests in dark swamp forests. They have one pair of leaders per colony, but they are almost never royals. They are aggressive and greedy and have a strong attraction to treasure. They will often spare trespassers in exchange for gold and jewels, but if they find nothing of value, they will simply trap you with your own desires…and eat you. They can live for 100 years.

Frost Wings: dragons of ice

Frost dragons are large winged dragons that live on mountain tops, at the poles or in icy caves. They are covered in fur and feathers and have a coat resembling that of a snow leopard. They command ice and snow and can breathe an icy mist onto their enemies…causing instant frostbite and hypothermia. They can also use their massive wings to hurl sharp ice crystals and whip up blinding blizzards. Despite all this, they are a friendly species who are welcoming to visitors…after all; they survived the cold assent of their mountain! They are lovers of tea and goat meat and tellers of old stories. They live in small colonies lead by a single pair of royals. They are neutral in the war and keep to themselves…never descending down off the mountains. A few individuals however have been known to come down to the panes during the spring to hunt. If they spend more than a week in warmer weather, they shed their fur and feathers and end up looking totally different from their normal appearance. Their warmer coat consists of fine fur, scales and bat-like wings. In order to return to their frigid mountain homes, they most slowly ascend to let their fur grow back…which takes about a month to do. They can live for 300 years.

Thunder Wings: Dragons of storms

Thunder Wings are fast and furious flyers with large wings and bladed tails. Also known as Storm dragons, they are as elusive as they are mean. They don’t tolerate trespassers and are willing to fight them out of their air space. They live only in the eastern floating mountain ranges where the storms are particularly severe making flying difficult…for other dragons at least. Thunder wings are born with a crystal in their chest that gathers charge from the electricity in the storms around them. This energy accumulates and stores in the crystal like a battery. When the dragons attack, they distribute the electricity throughout their body so they electrocute anyone they touch. They can also send bolts of lightning shooting out of their bladed tail, wing tips and mouth. They are the largest species of dragon with a wing span of nearly 150 feet standing almost 70 feet tall from their feet to their shoulders. They can live for 400 years.

Lava Dragons: Dragons of the Great Rift

A rare species, lava dragons live in only one part of the world called the Great Rift. The Rift is a giant pit surrounded by active volcanoes that supply a continuous flow of lava into the pit. Lava dragons are fairly large, flightless dragons that lounge around in scolding hot springs and lava pools. Their skin is highly resistant to heat and can survive long exposures to molten rock!  They have a single pair of royals as their leaders. They rarely leave their molten home, but when they do, they don’t venture far…spending too much time out of high temperatures can kill them. They are a welcoming species and are especially welcoming if their guests have an interesting story to tell. They love to laugh, sing and play games with travelers. They are not the brightest and they are naive…totally oblivious about the war raging just outside of their volcanic boarder. They are prepared to fight off attackers, however, if their visitors mean to do any harm. They are armed with the lava surrounding them, a body-crushing clubbed tail, a massive bite force, and their bony head…with one head-butt, they can crush the strongest of enemies. They repay the kindness of selfless travelers by offering them diamonds…a useless rock that grows everywhere in their home and they are happy to get rid of them! They can live for 300 years.

Geoknights: Dragons of Stone

A bizarre species that isn't truly alive. They are actually animated stone statues that guard temples all over the world. Being made completely from stone, they have no beating heart or even a brain, but they move around…never sleeping…always watching. They almost never talk and when they do it’s seldom understandable.  No one knows where they came from or how they got here, but they all look the same with no gender, no names or even a leader of any kind. Their main purpose seems to be protection of anything. They typically guard old abandoned temples, but will occasionally protect dragons that offer them an act of kindness such as repairing a crack in their leg or removing moss from their back. They have no real emotion, but they do respond to affection as well as hatred. They are fearless and won’t back down even after receiving a good bashing. They can control the earth around them…raising stone pillars and walls and causing cliffs to collapse. They seem to run on the energy given off by ghosting stones that grow out of their bodies. They are the only immortal species that live as long as they don’t erode or fall to pieces.

Ancients: The first dragons
With fear of spoiling the end of Sister Sister, I won’t tell you a whole lot about these dragons. These are the types of dragons that Great Fury and Rare are. A proud species that went extinct long ago, they ruled the world in a time of peace. Only the king held the power to control the eight sacred elements of wind, storm, fire, lava, earth, stone, water and ice. The power of each element was held in an orb that was placed in his antlers as a boy and they slowly would grow around them. After his passing, the stones would be removed and given to his eldest son (if he never had a son, the stones would be given to his eldest daughter’s husband). It is unknown how they went extinct, but some say Rare had something to do with it. They had an average life span of 2000 years

Hybrids: Mixed breed dragons
Hybrid is the name given to the dragons that have two different types of dragons as parents or come from a bloodline of mixed breeds. The preferred term these dragons like to be called is “new bloods”…most of them find the word “hybrid” offensive because none of the pure blood dragons like the hybrids. Classified as traitors to their species, they are typically kicked out of their kingdoms and forced to live on their own…or killed to prevent further “filth” from spreading in a population. There are a few kingdoms that accept hybrids such as the Sky Wing tribes, the Lava Dragons and the Frost Wings. Hybrids typically look like both of their parents and they commonly have both of their elemental capabilities. Most wandering hybrids do find other hybrids on their travels and they start families of their own with no rules to live by, but they do need to stay out of pure blood territory. They are typically welcoming, but as expected, they are either terrified of pure bloods or have an extreme hatred of them…they rarely accept them as friends. Hybrids make up one of the largest dragon populations, but they are not together as one kingdom…they are dispersed as small families throughout the world.  Hybrids typically live as long as their most dominant blood (Bo, for example, is a 50/50 hybrid having two pure blood parents, but he mostly resembles his father, a sky wing, so he takes on the trait of living about 180 years).
Remember when I said I would create bonus material so you guys can get a bigger view of the world of Sister Sister? Here is my first one! ^^

Bonus material 2.) the Spirit World [link]

These are the images of these species [link]

My Web Comic Sister Sister takes place in a world ruled entirely by dragons! The species in the story are not your average fire breathing reptiles...they each have special abilities and unique designs. We've only met a couple of these guys so far, but we will eventually meet all of them!

To read the Web comic, start here! [link]
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